What's with this new sweet and salty #food trend? Isn't it just another advertising ploy to get us to empty our pockets of hard-earned cash? Everywhere I look it's #sweet and salty--#popcorn, ice cream, bacon cinnamon rolls--BuzzFeed lists 24 "awesomely" #delectable sweet and #salty foods. https://www.buzzfeed.com/ariellecalderon/24-unexpected-sweet-and-salty-combinations?utm_term=.vvaL The idea behind it is you don't have to choose between a salty snack and a sweet #snack. You can have both in one package. #Yippee!! And while this may be true in the world of foods, there's something inherently sinister and insidious about informing people that the Age of #Rational Choice has come to an abrupt end. Just because the Food Fairy has decreed that you now can have your cake and eat it (pardon me, but this worn cliche seems to apply here) doesn't mean you can do it in The Real World of Serious Shit. For instance, take income. Choose teaching kids inste...
The times of my life. A look into the experiences of a fully functioning adult with mental, domestic, and marital problems. From the perspective of a childfree person. Ha-ha funny but truthful. On Twitter, Facebook and G+