It's ironic that this is a shorter version of the original "Blame Game." I say "ironic" because just about an hour ago I inadvertently deleted the original version in a simple cut and paste. This is a first even for me. I'm no computer pro, but I usually don't make those kinds of #mistakes. I'm still kicking myself for this one.
Playing the self-blame game is easy to do and extremely dangerous. It happens often to most people, but the lucky ones are able to get off the blame with a metaphorical slap on the wrist, but people like me take blame to a whole different definition. We luxuriate in it, bathing ourselves in negative self-talk. It never even occurs to me to blame someone else or just attribute a mistake to bad luck or fate. No, when I cannot justify blaming another person, place or thing, I default to myself.This is a lousy #habit I got into at an earlier age due to my natural inclination to perfectionism and an authoritarian #parenting style that took criticism to new heights. It's a habit I need to break, but on the other hand, it's a habit that some people ought to develop to some degree just to learn to take responsibility for their actions. Think of all the celebs and politicians--#BillCosby is a current example--who won't fess up. They would rather go to the gallows denying something than simply admit a character defect and try to improve on it. I think that these folks need a heavy dose of self blame just so they understand the difference between guilt and innocence.Are you still kicking yourself about something that happened months or years ago? Maybe you acted harshly toward a friend or relative and haven't been able to forgive yourself? Or perhaps you cruised through #college or high school without cracking a book and now regret it? There are a million opportunities for self blame, which is why a support group for that would be a good thing. What do you think? We could exchange stories and by doing this, maybe the self blame would dissipate a bit. Maybe we could even learn to forgive ourselves. It beats self blame or blaming the other guy.