If you've been following my humor blog--and 614 of you out there in blogland are--you know that I define the Only Child friend as someone who, despite the fact they may have 17 siblings, still acts as if they're the only child in the family. This person is afflicted with Only Child Syndrome.Not the worst of the personality disorders, but certainly not the best. Well, today I got a dose of what passes for "friendship" in my world, and of course it was from someone with OCS. My friend, who I'll call Susie, recently left two voice mail messages, so I knew I couldn't avoid communicating with her for long. The clock was ticking, and the longer the time gap, the fewer kind thoughts about me she could muster. For the past few months, I really haven't contacted Susie. The weather was hot so I didn't go bopping around with errands and lunches. Beside I was nursing my little black schnauzer and my depressive illness (of which Susie tends to make fun, e.g...
The times of my life. A look into the experiences of a fully functioning adult with mental, domestic, and marital problems. From the perspective of a childfree person. Ha-ha funny but truthful. On Twitter, Facebook and G+